Digital Girl World (2024) is an animated teaser showcasing the viewer’s attempt at survival after being transported into a horrific version of the Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA).
Your only ally, a young, hyperfeminine girl named Naami, is helping you find a way out of this liminal space PNCA. Can you trust this girl? She looks sweet, but something about her feels…off.
 I have created a narrative that reclaims hyperfeminine women’s sense of autonomy in the horror genre by merging and contrasting hyperfeminine and retro horror game aesthetics. The genre is a psychological horror with visual novel elements, animated as a point-and-click adventure game.

Thesis Journal (2023- 2024)
Beta 'Naami' design. Originally she was called, 'Nina' and the project was called, 'The IT Girl'. A play on words of her character archetype and the horror novel, 'IT' by Stephen King.
Beta 'Naami' design. Originally she was called, 'Nina' and the project was called, 'The IT Girl'. A play on words of her character archetype and the horror novel, 'IT' by Stephen King.
The initial thumbnail of Digital Girl World's composition
The initial thumbnail of Digital Girl World's composition
These are all the art assets apparent in Digital Girl World.
These are all the art assets apparent in Digital Girl World.
Thesis Documentation (2024)
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